
February! ❤️

It’s 36° on the porch this morning.  It does feel colder to me. The coming sunrise is simply beautiful today! Yellows,  oranges, reds contrasting with the blue sky is so beautiful! There’s a little purple in there at times too. It’s happening a bit earlier every day too! Spring will be here before we know it.   I’m trying to meditate and pray some on these days off. Revival is coming soon and I’m still way back in that cave.  Pray for our church, our community, county state and country. Pray our leaders make correct decisions for us based on good principles and not greed.  Pray for those who are hurting or sick.   I love all y’all! ❤️ Have a blessed day! 

More snow?

I hope we don’t get the snow that is predicted Saturday. I am not a fan of snow. This last one left about 1/2 foot of snow on the ground for a couple days before it rained it all away. It’s 35° out there this morning. I believe it’s supposed to be mid 40s today. Of course, it’s my weekend to work. I was supposed to work today, but my car decided to tear up yet again.   This morning, the sunrise was beautiful. There were so many reds, oranges and yellows.  I didn’t get a picture at that time.  I have a distant relative who’s husband is very sick. Please say prayers for them both. He was recently diagnosed with renal cell cancer. During or just after surgery yesterday, he had a heart attack.  I’ve never met them in person, but they’re still family.  Please pray for healing.   I ask you to pray for our community,  county, state and country. Pray for our leaders at all levels to make prudent choices for the good of all, not just a few.   Please r...

Who turned off the heat?!

It’s a sunny 28° at 8:45 am on the porch this morning. I am not out there in it, but instead, I’m enjoying my coffee inside where it’s warm!  It’s been a wild ride around here all weekend! Lots of rain Friday night and Saturday morning , with tornadoes 🌪 in the area again Saturday. Yesterday, there were lots of snow showers. I love the bright sunshine ☀️ today! I just need it a tad warmer!  Currently, I’m enjoying my second cup of coffee waiting on my little buddy to wake.  There’s so much to pray for too.  Please pray for those who’ve lost loved ones.  Pray for peace and comfort for those who remain.  Pray for our community and our leaders at all levels.   I love all y’all! ❤️ Have a blessed day! 

As 2021 ends…..

It’s a cloudy 54° kn the porch this morning. It’s breezy too. The coffee is on and my day started at 5am. I’m off work today, so I’m not sure why so early! I’ve noticed it’s staying light a tiny bit longer in the evening and getting light a tiny bit earlier in the morning! And, I love these warm days! I’m definitely not a winter person! Give me fall all year long!  I took a hard fall partly because of the dark early Wednesday morning. That iron pot at the beginning of my driveway jumped right out onto the sidewalk and tripped me.  That sidewalk and pavement were cold and wet! And there wasn’t much give either. I have the bruises to show.  Nothing was broken except my pride. I’ve lived here since 1994. You’d think I’d know the way to my car.  😳    c’est la vie So. I ask y’all to remember Cody Harlan’s family in your prayers. He was a young man gone too soon. His mom and I have been acquainted for decades. We have cousins in common.  When I was young, I...

Christmas Memories🎄

It’s a very breezy 61° on the porch this morning. The coffees hot and perfect. It doesn’t “feel” like Christmas at all. It’s so warm! Actually, I love the temps.   I’ve been thinking back to Christmas when I was a kid. It would be around this time mom would put up our tree. Our tree was always a freshly cut cedar. It was cut by mom until Greg and Bruce were old enough to cut the tree. It always went in her bedroom, right in front of the double window.  My dad loved the tree. I remember when he brought in the first twinkle lights. Back then, if one went out, the whole string went out.  I remember when he bought the stereo. And Christmas albums.  I remember the smell of the records, the smell of the Christmas tree, wondering how on earth could Santa get down our chimney with the wood stove. I remember asking why we didn’t let the fire go out so Santa would be safe. I remember hanging a sock behind the stove and finding an orange and banana along with hard candy and crè...

What a week

I haven’t posted anything since mid October. I didn’t realize it had been so long.   I worked this past Friday. I knew storms were predicted   I knew, going to bed, tornadoes could be involved. What I didn’t know was I would be rudely awakened at 1am by a shrill tone from my phone telling me to take cover now.  I took off my cpap.  I stood up and the lights went out. My phone wasn’t fully charged. I turned on its flashlight and made my way to my bathroom.  That room is on a southwest facing outside wall. Not really where you want to be if a tornado is approaching. I found my battery operated light and turned it on to conserve cell battery because we didn’t know how long we’d be without power.  I made my way to the dining room where Nick, Kristen and the baby were.  He didn’t understand why he was up that time of night. I went to the living room and opened the back door. There was an eerie ominous look outside. For the second time since 1994, I was afra...

Beautiful warm October morning

In a few hours, the hunters moon will officially be full. It’s so bright!  There are moon shadows of the house out in the yard.  There are several clouds this morning too. We are supposed to be seeing the Orionid meteor shower, but the sky is so bright from the moon, and the clouds floating by, I haven’t seen any. Now, the sky is lightening up from the coming sunrise.  It’s beginning to have some color in the east.   Tomorrow Perry will be 12 years old. He towers over me. There’s a little peach fuzz on his upper lip that’s turned a little darker.  It embarrasses him if you ask about it.  He’s so sweet.  I worry about my grandkids.  Can’t help it.   It’s a beautiful, breezy 64° on the porch. It would have been perfect weather for meteor viewing.  Oh well. There’s always next time.   Please remember to pray! Pray until you actually pray, not just pretty words that don’t go any higher than the ceiling. (Advice I really, really need to ...