What a week
I haven’t posted anything since mid October. I didn’t realize it had been so long.

I worked this past Friday. I knew storms were predicted I knew, going to bed, tornadoes could be involved. What I didn’t know was I would be rudely awakened at 1am by a shrill tone from my phone telling me to take cover now. I took off my cpap. I stood up and the lights went out. My phone wasn’t fully charged. I turned on its flashlight and made my way to my bathroom. That room is on a southwest facing outside wall. Not really where you want to be if a tornado is approaching. I found my battery operated light and turned it on to conserve cell battery because we didn’t know how long we’d be without power. I made my way to the dining room where Nick, Kristen and the baby were. He didn’t understand why he was up that time of night. I went to the living room and opened the back door. There was an eerie ominous look outside. For the second time since 1994, I was afraid of what might come. I was praying silently and a peace came over me. I said it is what it is. There’s nothing I can do to change what will be. There was at least one more warning for our area. About an hour later, there was another warning. A tornado was seven miles away tearing up factories at the transpark. When there was enough light to see, there was twisted red sheet metal out by Hanks doghouse. Thankfully, all dogs were inside. First thought was it was our pigs house, but it was not. We are not sure where it came from. There was a random pillow with a navy pillowcase down at the driveway entrance. There’s random debris all over the farm, none of it is ours, thankfully. Our power was out only ten hours. Some never lost power. About 800 are still without power as of the moon update. One of my friends power was restored yesterday. Another was restored this morning.
Then I think about how grateful I am we were spared. I’m also grateful no one I knew was hurt by the storm. I ask for prayers and whatever you can do to help those who were hurt and/or lost property. Things can be replaced. Lives cannot. Remember to hug those you love.
Pray for our community.
Pray for our state.
Pray for those survivors.
Pray for the families of those who lost their lives to the storm.
I love all y’all. ❤️
Have a blessed day!
Ny dollar general battery lamp. I was glad I had it.
Not my photo, it’s on fb. It’s the tornado that took so much.
Aftermath of the tornado. Also not my photo.
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