Beautiful warm October morning
In a few hours, the hunters moon will officially be full. It’s so bright! There are moon shadows of the house out in the yard. There are several clouds this morning too. We are supposed to be seeing the Orionid meteor shower, but the sky is so bright from the moon, and the clouds floating by, I haven’t seen any. Now, the sky is lightening up from the coming sunrise. It’s beginning to have some color in the east. Tomorrow Perry will be 12 years old. He towers over me. There’s a little peach fuzz on his upper lip that’s turned a little darker. It embarrasses him if you ask about it. He’s so sweet. I worry about my grandkids. Can’t help it. It’s a beautiful, breezy 64° on the porch. It would have been perfect weather for meteor viewing. Oh well. There’s always next time. Please remember to pray! Pray until you actually pray, not just pretty words that don’t go any higher than the ceiling. (Advice I really, really need to ...