🧡On this day
It’s a nice 66° on the porch this morning. Nothing is cool about the breeze. It’s obviously getting closer to autumn! The chlorophyll is leaving the tree leaves all over. Green is being replaced by yellow and red. Ragweed is abundant. Golden rods are abundant. The angle of the sun is a little lower and a bit more southeast by two fist widths at arms length or so. It’ll drift that way a little more before it heads back east. All y’all fans of summer, be of good cheer. It’s not done yet!
Today, in about 3 hours from this writing, marks the 2 year anniversary of my daddy moving on from this life. I was their first. I was his parents first grandchild. I was the only girl. I remember when I bought my first vehicle without him. He wasn’t happy at all. I bought a 1982 Dodge Challenger. It was a five speed 2 door two tone (gray and red) little marvel. It’s end is another story I won’t get into now. I did love that car though. He warmed up to it after he drove it a few times. I saw him cry five times in my sixty years with him. First time was when his daddy died, when Jessica died, when we moved to Massachusetts, when he had open heart surgery and his first follow up appointment was botched by the dr office and when his mom died. I’m sure he cried at other times but he was an old fashioned man with Scottish, Irish and English blood, who believed men didn’t show their emotions openly. He always had advice whether or not you wanted to hear it. So many times now I’d love to have it. His decline was fairly rapid. After his place to go burned, he just gave up. After he fell and broke his back, then his neck, he couldn’t get around unassisted. It hurt to see him that way.
My hummingbirds are hungry. I worked the last three days. Their feeders are empty!
Y’all remember to pray for those who are in need!
I love all y’all!🧡
Have a blessed day!
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