Another beautiful day!🧑🍁

The sun is almost over the trees. It’s bright! I love crisp, cool mornings. There are very few high, thin clouds; and, the sky is so blue! Hopefully it’ll be another low humidity day! I moved spots because of the direct sun.  I’m still in it. Oh, well! 
It’s such a beautiful morning! The birds are singing. I see cardinals.  I hear doves.  I briefly heard an owl when I first came outside.  I just heard a neighbors cow.  I hear our chickens, ducks and turkey. I hear turkey in the distance as well.  I hear crows too.  
Ragweed is rampant. Despite my singular, my eyes are glued together! 
I made vegetable soup yesterday. I had a bowl of it for supper last night.  It was so good! Hopefully it’ll be as good today! I pretty much put the kitchen sink in it.  Seriously, it has pintos, green beans, corn, peas, taters, onion, maters, beef stock, hamburger meat…. Cabbage…. Carrots…. And Bubby was the only one who helped me eat it.  SMH.  Maybe they’ll have some today.

Please remember to pray for our community, county, state and country.  We’re in a mess only God can fix! Please remember the sick and those who are grieving. 
I love all y’all!πŸ§‘πŸπŸ‚
Have a blessed day!


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