Happy Saturday!
It’s a bit muggy on the porch this morning. It’s already 72° and there’s light fog. The colors of the sunrise are beautiful. My photo does no justice to what I see.
Oh joyfully, playfully watching me 🎶”*
Back in the late 70s or early 80s, I absolutely loved Supertramp. “The Logical Song” was my favorite by them! I also loved (and still love) Beatles music.
Please remember to pray for your family and neighbors. Pray for those who have recently lost loved ones. Pray for our communities, county, state and country. I love all y’all!❤️Have a blessed day!

Thursday morning I filled 2 hummingbird feeders. This morning I had to fill one! The other is more than half gone, so I’ll fill it in a bit. I wanted to sit on the porch a bit first.
In case you missed it, my mom is fine. Biopsy wasn’t needed after more pictures! Good for another year! With her already having had cancer, they are extra cautious!
It’s a beautiful morning! Get out and enjoy it! I am! I’m about to be in need of a second cup of coffee. The birds are singing! There are so many this morning, I can’t pick them all out!
“ 🎶 And all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily
Oh joyfully, playfully watching me 🎶”*
Back in the late 70s or early 80s, I absolutely loved Supertramp. “The Logical Song” was my favorite by them! I also loved (and still love) Beatles music.
Please remember to pray for your family and neighbors. Pray for those who have recently lost loved ones. Pray for our communities, county, state and country. I love all y’all!❤️Have a blessed day!
*Songwriters: Richard Davies / Roger Hodgson
The Logical Song lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
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