Four generations of Sanders men in the garden
Well, maybe 3.25…..
It’s in their blood I think. In my Facebook memories today, I found a memory of Carlos and Rick in their gardens. I went to Nick’s page and took a pic of Xavier helping him till his garden. I put the three together and made a collage. I think Carlos and Rick would be proud to see Nick carrying on the tradition and teaching Xavier by example. Nick helped Rick in the garden, really even before he was really big enough. Now, Xavier wants to be wherever dada is. I think it’s cool.
It’s a very muggy 72° on the porch this’s overcast. I haven’t looked into the forecast for today yet, I hafta be inside this morning until after lunch anyway. My mom didn’t get a good report on her mammogram last week, you may recall about six years ago, she had a mastectomy for cancer. Today, we go for a biopsy of what was found late last week. She’s very positive about it. She said if it’s cancer, then so be it. She’ll see Dr Wierson again and have the surgery. Hopefully, the biopsy will be benign. We will know soon. Please remember my mother in your prayers. It’s coming up on 2 years since we lost our dad.
I filled my hummingbird feeders this morning. They were completely empty. I worked last week Tuesday & Wednesday, filled the feeders Thursday; worked Friday Saturday & Sunday. I was exhausted Monday and completing my prep for a test Tuesday and didn’t fill them. Tuesday, I was out of commission. I worked yesterday. I’m hoping my babies haven’t abandoned me. There are flowers around for them to feed on. I just saw one male. I know I have one.
If you come to my yard, heads up under my trees. I’ve heard four walnuts fall while I’ve been writing.
Please remember all those who are in need of prayers. Pray our leaders at all levels make smart, well designed, well informed choices.
I love all y’all! ❤️
Have a blessed day!

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