Sunday morning again

It’s 71° on the porch currently. It’s 0640 (am). The air is thick this morning. There’s just enough clouds around the horizon to mute the sun.  Lots of crows cawing. They’re a little annoying. The roosters have been crowing here and at the neighbors.  I can hear at least 3-4 different areas.  I can hear cardinals, doves, Bob whites, and a low cicada hum.  Pretty sure I heard coyotes when I first came outside.  The hummingbirds are feeding frequently as well.  I’ve actually seen six at once.  If you haven’t seen yours much, hang on. Keep your feeders fresh! And, remember, just because you haven’t seen them doesn’t mean they’re not around.  My nectar disappeared for a few days before I actually caught a glimpse.  

Y’all. Please remember an old work friend from Baptist. He worked PASR there.  Got patients in SICU from him often. His great grand baby passed away.  Such a sad, heartbreaking time for that family.  Please whisper a prayer for peace and comfort for them.  
Please remember those who are in need of prayers as well.  Everyone needs prayers.  Everyone. 

“”I Need The Prayers 

1. I need the prayers of those I love,
While trav’ling o’er life’s rugged way,
That I may true and faithful be,
And live for Jesus every day.

I want my friends to pray for me,
To bear my tempted soul above,
And intercede with God for me;
I need the prayers of those I love.

2. I need the prayers of those I love,
To help me in each trying hour,
To bear my tempted soul to Him,
That He may keep me by His pow’r. [Refrain]

3. I want my friends to pray for me,
To hold me up on wings of faith,
That I may walk the narrow way,
Kept by our Father’s glorious grace. [Refrain]”

Author: James D. Vaughan
*******I do not own the rights to this, or any other song. 


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