After the rain
Yesterday we had rain. It was much needed. It rained so hard, visibility was low. It was also dark enough our dusk to dawn light came on. There was some thunder and lightning with it. I’m thankful for the rain, and for no severe weather with it!
I’m also thankful for the nicer weather today! It’s been mid-summer like for a while now. Summer officially arrived just before midnight Sunday night. Yesterday was the first full day summer!
It’s 61° on the porch right now. I’m on the side because of the angle of the sun. It’s mostly clear with a few high whispy clouds. It’s a beautiful day!
My hydrangea is blooming. I can’t share a whole photo of it though. I’m ashamed. It needs weeding. 🤷🏻♀️ it was given to us when Rick died. I set it out, it took a couple years but finally bloomed and hasn’t failed to bloom since.
Friday night I heard my first whippoorwill of the season. He was back Saturday night. I was so worn out from the weekend, I didn’t listen Sunday night or last night.
My coffee cup is empty. Time for a refill.
Please, pray for baby Charley. She’s got a very, very long row to hoe! She’s not a year old yet and facing a major cancer surgery in the coming days! I believe her fb update page is “Charleys Angels”. Please call her name in prayer!!
Please remember all those who are sick and those who’ve lost loved ones. Remember your neighbors! Pray one for another!
I love all y’all! ❤️
Have a blessed day!
James 5:16
King James Version
James 5:16
King James Version
16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
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