Sixty two and counting

22630 days on this earth as of today. That’s a lot of days.  Some days, it feels like I can’t be 62 yet. A few days it feels like 82. I am grateful and blessed for my family, friends, health, that I’m able to continue to work at a job I have loved so long.  I was very busy at work yesterday.  Those peeps slipped around and got an ice cream cake and surprised me.  They hid it well! 
It’s 67° and very overcast this morning.  The air feels like rain. Landon Hampton says spotty showers off and on all day. I’m enjoying all the birds singing this morning. Later today, I get to see my baby brother. Haven’t seen him since our dad passed.  
Remember all the sick in your prayers.  It’s been a sad week at work. 
I love all y’all ❤️
Have a blessed day! 


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