Quiet time
I love my quite time on the porch. This morning, the sun is so bright, I moved to the side. Trying to keep centered on what’s important. It’s not easy. My mind gets so clogged up with things going on - things that aren’t really important.
Revival started last night at my church. We will meet daily at 11am and nightly at 7. If you want directions, message me.
It’s beautiful on the porch. It’s 61° but feels so much warmer. The birds are singing and looking for breakfast. It’s mostly sunny. There are a few high thin clouds. I see 2 jets (I can only hear 1) way high in the air. Their contrails are beautiful!
The trees and grass are so green! While I was writing, 2 more jets went over. Their contrails are fading but formed an imperfect checker board.
Keep centered on what’s important!
Pray for me & my family. Nothing going on, just asking for prayers.
Pray for your neighbors, friends, family.
Pray for your community, county, state and nation.
Pray our leaders follow principles and not big money or other agenda.
Pray for Israel!
Pray for the sick, for those who have critically ill loved ones.
Pray for those who’ve lost loved ones. It’s a difficult road that never ends, though the scenery changes little by little over time.
I love all y’all!❤️
Have a blessed day!
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