It’s 53° on the porch currently. It’s warmed about 10° since I got up. Currently, I’m on my third cup of that sweet nectar from God. It keeps me sane.

There are birds singing all around. I can pick out cardinal, bluebird, robin, finch and chickadee song. My hummingbirds are giving me a show too! I can also hear our chickens. There’s quite a bit of road noise in the distance as well. There’s a gentle breeze also, causing my wind chimes to play beautifully for me.
This past Sunday was Mother’s Day. I had to work. It was quite a difficult day! Oh, retirement! Where fore art thou?! (Still a few years away!) it’s getting closer! I got a much better gift this year! Last year, it was COVID. This year, a new dishwasher! Nick finished the install last night! We are already using it! Hopefully the water bill goes way down. I’m a runner while washing dishes. I try to remember to turn it off but it’s so much easier to leave it running!
I love living in the country! It’s so peaceful back here!
Y’all have a blessed day!
I love all y’all!❤️
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