π Home π
It’s good to be home this morning! It’s been a busy weekend at work!
It’s 60° on the porch currently and not muggy but the air is moist and still; and I think it’s gonna be a hot one! There is heavy dew on the grass.
I can hear lots of birds this morning; and what a difference 3 days has made in my trees. The catalpa tree leaves are huge! I don’t see worms yet though. π The walnut trees have really filled out too. My field looks like Chris has been working getting it ready for beans. The hostas right in front of the house are thriving too.
I washed and filled my hummingbird feeders earlier today. Currently waiting for a visit. They’ve been here about 6 weeks already and I’ve only seen 3. I’ve heard a couple this morning though so maybe I’ll get a visit shortly.
I sat outside about 20 minutes last night just around dusk hoping to hear that first whippoorwill of the season. Didn’t have any luck though. I’m going to see what I can get into today. There’s much to be done!
Please remember to pray for those who are in need! 

I love all y’all! ❤️
Have a blessed day!
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