A cool morning

It’s 8:45 in the morning. It’s 53°, up about 10° so far from when I woke this morning.  This is just a trial run of a possible new blog. I do love sitting on the porch and describing what I see and hear. Today I’m too much of a wus to sit outside. If it was just a bit warmer..... 
I know this is a “winter” but since I don’t see blackberries or locust blooming and it’s too early for linen britches winter, I’m unsure which one.  Several folks let me know their blackberries are blooming, mine are not. Yet.  Time will tell I guess. 
I ask if you’re reading this, remember my friend Gina and her family as they say good bye to her brother. She’s said goodbye to her mom, her sister, a niece and now a brother.  Please pray for comfort and peace for them all. I have not lost a sibling, I don’t know how that feels.  I’m sure it leaves a big hole in your heart.  
This is my last day home this week.  I work the next three.  Not looking forward to three consecutive days.  
I love all y’all! ❤️
Have a blessed day! 


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